
Luxury can be something very traditional in Vienna. In imperial times, special workshops were granted a privilege authorizing them to supply their finest goods to the imperial court. The court may have long since disappeared but a few traditional companies continue to bear the historic designation "k.u.k. Hoflieferant“ and offer the finest handcrafted quality in their original stores and premises.

In an exclusive behind the scenes visit get to know selected purveyors that catered their fine products to the imperial house in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and still today preserve the traditional know-how and respect of refined handmade artistry. Meet up with members of the dynasties, that lead those historic companies in 5th, 6th or even 7th generation and continue to stand for top quality in bespoke tailoring and shoe making, luxurious homeware from the sparkling chandelier to drinks service, fine jewelry and delicious confectionery.  Time-honored craftsmanship, timelessly sophisticated products and the cozy and sincere service with much attentiveness - Viennese elegance and know-how at its best.

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